On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Chad Perrin <c...@apotheon.net> wrote:

> Trying to fork/import from Git is kinda problematic.  I started by
> creating a new project on a server:
>     $ fossil init projectname.fossil
> I then cloned locally:
>     $ fossil clone <u...@uri.for/projectname/index.cgi> projectname.fossil

Is there some reason you can't do "fossil clone" on the server?

Alternately, try:

       $ git fast-export --all |ssh user@server fossil import\
          --git --incremental /path/to/projectname.fossil

I imported from Git:
>     $ git fast-export --all | fossil import --git --incremental \
>     /path/to/projectname.fossil
> I opened the repository:
>     $ mkdir projectname; cd projectname
>     fossil open /path/to/projectname.fossil
> No files appear.  I looked at the timeline:

That is surprising to me. Though I have not used this feature.
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