On 2 September 2014 10:08, John Long <codeb...@inbox.lv> wrote:
> 7) A source control system should be sensible from the point of view of the
>    person using it to manage source code. It should not be Linux-centric. It
>    should not require you to understand its internals to use it effectively
>    and it must not require you to understand the internals to avoid pitfalls
>    and gotchas. Tricks = bad, least surprise = good.

This is the main issue I have: git does not follow the principle of
least surprise. I'm sure it *can* do everything, if you know all of
the switches and gotchas. But you don't, even if you think you do.
Apparently many advanced git users have their subset well figured out,
and those never can understand outsiders complaining about how
difficult git can be.
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