Richard Hipp wrote:

On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Miles Fidelman < <>> wrote:

    Scott Robison wrote:

         One of my newest uses for fossil is ... My blog

    Scott, can you say a little more about your tool chain,...

I'll let Scott answer the specific question. But I just want to remind Miles of the "Embedded Documentation" feature of Fossil ( and that the main Fossil website including all of the on-line documentation is really just a running instance of Fossil serving the Fossil self-hosting repository. (All of the main website, except the Download page, that is.)So if you are a committer, updating the Fossil documentation is as simple as editing the document files on your local machine and then typing "fossil commit". No logging into servers or taking other actions are necessary to publish - publication is automatic.

Thanks Richard. I do really like that feature - though if the branching/merging features worked for documentation that would be even better, and even better if the embedded wiki supported branching/merging within the embedded wiki! That would be a thing of beauty. Unfortunately, I'm not enough of a code monkey to do that myself.

Meanwhile, for the documentation I'm working on, I'm looking more at stuff that comes out in DocBook format, with indexing and such. So I'm thinking more of treating individual pages as something to be edited and version controlled, with auto assembly into the current live version - hence my interest in Scott's tool chain.


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