Ron W wrote:
On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Miles Fidelman < <>> wrote:

    Yes, but what I'd really like is an embedded wiki, that operates
    like a wiki - but with distributed editing, merges, updates, etc.
    Seems like the fossil embedded wiki provides half of that,
    embedded documentation the other. Sigh...

    Oh well.  Or am I missing something about the embedded documentation?

Right now, Fossil will provide "regular" wiki pages or "embedded" wiki pages.

"Regular" wiki pages can be edited via the web interface. But, currently, conflicting edits result in forks, which are viewable in the time line, just no easy way to do proper branching and merging.

"Embedded" wiki pages act like "regular" wiki pages (since they are wiki pages). Also, they can be easily branched and merged. But editing them is done the same way you edit your project source files, externally to Fossil, then the changes committed. Fossil does provide a way to preview these pages before committing them.

People have expressed interest in adding support for branching and merging "regular" wiki pages. The hold up is the how.

Is anybody actually thinking about that, or working on it?

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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