On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 09:59:26AM +0200, Stephan Beal wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 8:34 AM, Tony Papadimitriou <to...@acm.org> wrote:
>     Would that be too much programming effort to add?  I.e., check if
>     ‘filename’ is a directory and in that case return FINFO for all associated
>     files.

I dream about that feature since the beginning I use fossil. 

Alternatively, I think modifying "timeline" command/webpage to have the
capability to limit it scope to one subdirectory would be nice. Imagine
a team where one is dedicated to the documentation and only work in
doc/, when he look at the timeline to follow his work, it's hard to
track changes that was made inside doc/ directory. (especially if his
college commit a lot more than him inside src/).

Despite the complexity of the timeline command/webpage, I don't think it
would be to hard to do. In verbose mode, timeline already list all file
path affected by every checkin, we could just generate the timeline
output in a temporary buffer before to output it and  loop thought it
at the end to discard the checkins that doesn't contain the directory we
want in path of any of the affected files.

> If it weren't for the -status and -print options, it would require
> only another loop around the bottom part of the finfo code, but as it
> is i think it requires moving all of finfo into another routine, then
> calling that from a loop in finfo. Somewhere we've got SQL code for
> the filename vs dir part.
> It looks like the next step would then be to allow multiple files
> (because at some point you'll just want to see the .c files, not the
> .h ones, and you'll want to pass src/*.c). That would change the
> semantics of current behaviour, though:

I don't think this would be necessary to have wildcard to filter some
specific file inside a directory. Normally, any file that changes inside
one directory is susceptible to affect behavior the other files of the
same directory. 

But with the timeline approach, it would an easy add-on I guess.


Martin G.
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