On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 05:17:24PM +0300, to...@acm.org wrote:

> I guess the timeline equivalent would work, too!  However, I'd be
> more interested in being able to see just the code changes (i.e.,
> check-ins) and not all the 'noise' about wiki edits, tickets, tags,
> etc which the timeline gives by default (unless one uses the "-t ci"
> option).  So, I thought since FINFO already only deals with file
> edits (ignoring all the rest), this would be the right place to do
> it with less changes.  But, I don't know.

The advantage I see with "timeline" is that it's already building a list
of all checkins from a single huge SQL query (don't matter which file it
touch), Then it's easy to filter out what we don't want from it.

In the other hand, finfo is only building a list of checkins affecting
one particular file. To be able to easily modify it for a complete sub
directory is the equivalent of calling finfo multiple time and them
merging result to have one consistent list.

I didn't check the code in detail for finfo command, but my impression
is that starting from timeline is easier and more optimized, but I could
be wrong..

Martin G.
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