I want to give a thought on how I use fossil regularly and on what I would
love as a feature.

While fossil is easy to set up and maintain, I often have several small
projects that seem to be to small to get an own instance of a repository
for themselfes. Additionally, I like to use fossil, because it reduces the
number of files to manage (1 repo instead of dozens of files per project).

That spoken, I have bunch of code-samples and abstracted code-problems in
different programming languages and flavours, that I keep as personal
knowledge database. I tend to give each of them its own fossil repository,
but as I mentioned before, sometimes they have just one or two files.

My old solution was to have one repository with one set of folders for each
sub-project. But Timeline get messy really fast and it is hard to track
sub-projects with this approach.

My current solution is to have one repository with an empty initial
check-in tagged as ROOT. Then I do one branch per sub-project based on the
ROOT check-in.

That way I'm able to keep my code cleanly detached from each another, but
it feels really dirty - cause that's in no way the correct handling of

What I really would like to have is to gather multiple such small projects
in one repo file, so instead of having one ROOT check-in, having one ROOT
for each project. I know that would make developing fossil a bit harder,
but I think it would be a great feature and that not I'm the only one who
would use this.

In the simpliest logic I can imagine this would mean nothing more than one
additional layer, branches belong to project. For the normal use, each
branch would just belong to the default project. But I guess that
implementing this could be much harder, especially visualizations in the

But what do you think about multiple projects in one repo?
What would be your approach on my problem?
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