‎Isn't the main annoyance the need to commit two times, one in nested checkout 
and one in the 'root' repo, and to try to keep timeline order in both?

How do you guys manage that - prevent committing/cloning to root and always use 

  Original Message
From: Warren Young
Sent: Tuesday, 15 September 2015 03:58
To: Fossil SCM user's discussion
Reply To: Fossil SCM user's discussion
Subject: Re: [fossil-users] Multiple Projects in one Repo

On Sep 12, 2015, at 9:54 AM, Oliver Friedrich 
<redtalonof+mailingl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> with nested repositories my administration overhead would exceed even the 
> single repository solution, right?

The alternative to managing just one .fossil file is managing just one directly 
full of .fossil files.  Is that really such a big difference?

Note that “fossil serve” works the same when pointed to a directory full of 
fossils as it does when pointed at a single fossil, with the exception that the 
URLs are all one directory deeper.

There are two annoyances currently involved in managing nested repositories, 
which could in principle go away: the need to explicitly open the 
sub-repositories every time you open the primary, and the need to pass --nested 
to bypass the checks Fossil does for a parent containing .fslckout (a.k.a. 

Git solves this problem more elegantly with the submodule:


In short, the main project simply declares that it needs other projects by URL. 
When you clone the main project, Git also clones the submodules into the 
correct place within the parent’s tree.

I use nested checkouts myself, though probably for a different reason than 
you’re proposing.  I have a top-level repository with many branches for older 
versions of the software, and all versions need to share a single set of 
Fossil-managed resource files.  These shared resource files must be versioned 
separately from the main repository files, but the current version must always 
be present underneath the main repository branches.  If I have three branches 
checked out, I need three additional nested checkouts of the shared repository.

It would be very nice if I could just open each branch, and have the 
subproject’s repo opened in its correct place, automatically.
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