On Thu, 16 Sep 2015, Andy Bradford wrote:

> Thus said Oliver Friedrich on Sat, 12 Sep 2015 12:34:21 -0000:
> > What I  really would  like to  have is to  gather multiple  such small
> > projects in  one repo file,  so instead  of having one  ROOT check-in,
> > having one  ROOT for each project.  I know that would  make developing
> > fossil a bit harder, but I think  it would be a great feature and that
> > not I'm the only one who would use this.
> You  mean like  this: assume  you  have two  Fossils, master.fossil
> and project.fossil. You  want to combine  the projects into a  single
> Fossil but retain an independent timeline for each:
> $ echo "SELECT 'UPDATE config SET value = ''' || value || ''' WHERE name = 
> ''project-code'';' FROM config WHERE name = 'project-code';" | fossil sql -R 
> master.fossil | fossil sql -R project.fossil
> $ fossil pull --once -R master.fossil project.fossil
> Now, master will have two independent timelines, one from each project.
> Here's an example:
> http://fossil.bradfords.org:8080/timeline

Very nice concept and solution. Thank you for Fossil SQL sugar and
on-line demo!

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