Thus said Andy Gibbs on Thu, 03 Dec 2015 10:58:52 +0100:

> "round-trips" being  during the push  (i.e. post commit). Sorry  I was
> using  the terminology  of  what  was being  shown  on  screen --  not
> combining the pre and post commit numbers.

That's alright,  I was just trying  to be certain I  understood what you
were  seeing. It  sounds like  the 100  round-trips is  during the  push
portion  of the  sync operation,  which  means you  must have  a lot  of
artifacts in the commit.

> Hooray!  However... doing  then a  sync on  my clone,  then doing  the
> fossil test-clusters again on the server results in:

Yes, this was recently fixed here:

Also, I've found that when you  run ``fossil rebuild'' on the repository
that has errors about artifacts not found in clusters, it places all the
artifacts not in clusters back into the unclustered table. And, not only
that, but after running rebuild, the next  sync they will get put into a
cluster and the  clients begin again to pull them  down (without needing
--verily at all).

At  any rate,  I'll  see  if I  can  reproduce the  issue  as  far as  I
understand it from your description.


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