On 1/3/16, bch <brad.har...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The continuing saga of syncing netbsd-src:
> I've got a fossil processing kicked off by: fossil sync --verily
> (against: http://netbsd.sonnenberger.org/timeline)
> that has now consumed 594 minutes of CPU time, and produced no network
> traffic (as measured by tcpdump)... when I ktruss(1) it, it's only
> emitting:
> 1510      1 fossil   sendto(0xa, 0x7f55319f97c0, 0x2aad782313, 0, 0,
> 0) Err#32 EPIPE
> The last entry in my local copy of the repo is [0bb26b5ab6] from 30 May.
> Does anybody have any further ideas for troubleshooting this ?

Are you using the latest trunk version of Fossil?

D. Richard Hipp
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