On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 4:22 AM, j. van den hoff <veedeeh...@gmail.com>
> On Sun, 14 Feb 2016 02:12:01 +0100, Boruch Baum <boruch_b...@gmx.com>
>> After Warren Young commented on the "flatness" of forum-style
>> discussions instead of the "threaded" viewing option in email-list-style
>> discussions, I realized that Wikipedia has had a solution that could be
>> easily implemented in Fossil projects without any software tweaking -
>> just create User:talk or Subject:talk pages, like Wikipedia has been
> after following this thread loosely these last 1-2 days, just a short
comment: you are proposing a "solution" for exactly which "problem"? I
don't see any and would support the conservative approach here, i.e. "if it
ain't broken, don't fix it": email does the job just fine for the purpose
of this list in my view. I don't see _any_ problem, let alone one, that
switching to some sort of forum would fix (quite to the contrary, partly).
I believe the arguments have been all mentioned already, mainly by warren
young. so what exactly are your remaining gripes with just continuing to
use the present channel of communication (except that it seems somehow
(technically or otherwise) uncool to you ;-)) for discussions regarding
fossil (which is the only purpose of this list...)?

I was under the impression that it was more of a suggestion of something
the OP would like to use and less advocating for the fossil project to
embrace it.

That being said, I can see certain benefits to keeping "all" that
information around in the project repository itself. From the fossil design

> Fossil should provide in-depth historical and status information about
the project through a web interface
> {snip} Fossil attempts to better capture "collective intelligence" and
"the wisdom of crowds" {snip}


> The global state of a fossil repository is kept simple so that it can
endure in useful form for decades or centuries. A fossil repository is
intended to be readable, searchable, and extensible by people not yet born.

There is a lot of intelligence that goes into mailing lists that might not
be captured in the repository without extra effort.

Note that I'm not advocating for change, but part of me likes the idea.
More realistically there can be a lot of noise in forums and mailing lists
and such that you wouldn't necessarily want to keep in the fossil record,
much more so than changes to code or documentation.
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