On Nov 21, 2017, at 2:09 PM, Ron W <ronw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> While I like the idea of a "smart default" for the file name, I'd rather have 
> an "--open" (or "-o") option to trigger the automatic "fossil open”.

So…you want to remain more difficult to use than Git in this regard?

That’s not very Fossil.

(Yes, I just adjectived your noun.  Deal with it.)

> 1. If the user actually wants to specify the name, the option would be 
> needed, anyway.

No, they’d pass the FILENAME argument to “fossil clone,” just as you do today.

This does open a new issue, however.  What does this mean:

    $ fossil clone https://fossil-scm.org/ fsl

Do you:

a) get a fsl subdirectory containing the contents of the Fossil trunk checkout, 
as Git would do; or

b) get a fsl.fossil file, as someone up-thread apparently wants.  That is, 
assume the FILENAME argument is still a repository file name, and that if 
.fossil is not given as an extension, add it?  Or

c) get a fsl file, as Fossil 2.4 and all prior versions do?

> 2. By not requiring the option, it would be hiding one of Fossil's advantages 
> over git and Hg: Multiple working copies without the overhead of multiple 
> repository copies.

Easily handled via either:

    $ mkdir ../x ; cd ../x ; fossil open ../y/.fslrepo branch-x
    $ mkdir ../x ; cd ../x ; fossil open ../y branch-x

In the second case, it sees that you’ve given it a directory name and that it 
contains a .fslrepo repository file.

> 3. Adopting features from git is good, but let's not make Fossil too much 
> like git.

Where it costs us nothing but development time and makes Fossil easier to use, 
let’s steal as much as possible. :)

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