On 22/11/17 19:09, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On 11/22/17, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <off...@riseup.net> wrote:
>> I'm dubious over making Fossil a client for
>> any other main DVCS out there.
> But making Fossil work as a client for Git is the cornerstone of my
> plan for world domination!  :-)
> One important reason that many people use Git is because so much OSS
> is hosted on GitHub and everybody wants to be part of the action.  If
> developer Alice wants to play in the OSS world, she has to use Git.
> But if Fossil were able to clone, push, and pull from Git
> repositories, that would enable Alice to use Fossil instead, opening
> the door to wider adoption.

I understand better now, thanks. In that context, Warren's proposal of a
single step clone + open, should be considered and improved. As long as
Fossil use/install keep as simple as now for Fossil users and current
users don't end with a kitchen sink and huge binary with a lot of flags
to support any workflow, I think your world domination plan can continue
without problem ;-).



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