On Thu, 23 Nov 2017 01:09:21 +0100, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

On 11/22/17, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <off...@riseup.net> wrote:
I'm dubious over making Fossil a client for
any other main DVCS out there.

But making Fossil work as a client for Git is the cornerstone of my
plan for world domination!  :-)

One important reason that many people use Git is because so much OSS
is hosted on GitHub and everybody wants to be part of the action.  If
developer Alice wants to play in the OSS world, she has to use Git.
But if Fossil were able to clone, push, and pull from Git
repositories, that would enable Alice to use Fossil instead, opening
the door to wider adoption.

this might be true, but ...

mercurial has tried this (for many years there have been extensions to use it as a client for git and subversion) and it does not seem to have increased adoption of mercurial substantially (probably not at all but who knows?). this is my major concern: if one can extrapolate from the hg story, chances for massively (or even modestly) increasing the fossil user community by making it work as a git client might be slight. a poll on github would be interesting (if it were possible): how many users are using hg locally to talk to github?

my use of the mentioned hg-extensions with git and svs led to assorted problems for the simple reason that functionalities of the different systems do not map one-to-one. so one has continuously to remember that one is working in a (local) hg clone that will sync against a remote git or svs repo in the end and to observe the necessary restrictions. this makes it potentially more difficult and error prone than using the other tool directly. it is not necessarily a good "PR move" for a inherently superior/easier system one wants to push.

of course, if your plans come to fruition, I still would be happy to use the new functionality if it helps to reduce the pain of working with git repos. I am just skeptical regarding effort invested vs. benefit gained. other things would be further up on my wish list, e.g. history tracking/finfo across renames, full grep of content across revisions (hg does this very nicely, e.g.).

and (of course): thanks for fossil


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