The next fossology release (what we are currently calling 1.2 but maybe should be 2.0) involves some pretty large changes. Especially for licenses, data persistence, and future sharing of repository data.

Because of this it would be most helpful if you could let me know if any of the following will mess you up:

1) switch to postgres 8.3 or greater
Some of you already use 8.3 (or possibly 8.4). I would like to REQUIRE 8.3 or greater in order to provide better text searching and tools to facilitate database partitioning. This means that if you are using <8.3, you will have to upgrade postgresql. At some point we will have to do this. I'm wondering if the next fossology release will be a good time.

2) remove the Metadata analysis
If you are only interested in licenses, this analysis does nothing for you except cost you time and disk space. What it does is extract metadata from images, doc files, etc. This agent has caused many of you to have install problems. It also writes a great many records to the attrib table. Since (I believe) many of you run this agent because you don't know what it does and we don't really make use of the data, I'd like to remove the agent, at least until we make pgkmetagetta a separate installable module.

Would these two things cause anyone hardship?

Bob Gobeille
fossology mailing list

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