David Gerard wrote:
> On 22 July 2010 21:01, teun spaans <teun.spa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think I am completely factual. After I wrote this, I went to the
>> questionlist and found the cry "we dont censor" in one of the
>> reactions. Which proves my point, I think. You yourself use that term
>> in your email.
> Well, we don't. 

But you do.

> Our mission - Wikimedia's bias - is that more information is better
> than less information.

If I were to make an account with the user name CumInYourCornflakes or
HitlerMyHero there'd be someone all over the account within minutes,
blocking banning, and deleting.

> And "filtering" when applied by a third party is what censorship is.

No it is NOT. It is not censorship if I choose not to see X, that is my
choice. So long as YOU have the choice to see X if you want to then we
can both live in harmony. The conflict arises when you say that I must
see X, or if I say you must not see X. Where X is some broadly
recognized category of offensive material.

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