> So I'd like to ask in which way we keep and assure our community as
> multilingual? Honestly I have been thinking this for years seriously.
> Even on meta, it was not once I was accused just because I left a note
> in Japanese - when I had a hardship to express my opinion enough in
> English. I remember still how I was accused then - I was accused
> because I didn't write in English "the language everyone can read".
> How then can such a community multilingual? Or in other words, what
> have we been doing for making our community multilingual? We have
> devout translators - and always I thank them and feel honored to
> collaborate with them,  but, or because I have been working with them,
> I feel we need more other ways to assure and empower multilingual
> aspects of our Wikimedia community.
> Cheers,

I believe that in this context the multilingual community means that the
source of information can be in any language, and the information is
created and stored in as many languages possible. This is in my opinion the
most important. The rest - what language we use for communication in the
projects, whether there is any coordination of the policies of different
projects, or whatever - may be important by itself but not the core of our


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