On Wed, 2012-11-14 at 13:59 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi,
> On 11/14/2012 01:52 PM, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> > Telling X you'll teach them how to communicate with Y and then creating
> > a problem with X because of the way you communicated with Y.
> I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at here. What are X and Y?

Developers and "the community" respectively.

> > Tell me how exactly I should have brought this up "privately". We have
> > very few private mailing-lists in GNOME, and it wasn't discussed on any
> > of those I would be on [1].
> Maybe private email? Maybe bringing it up in a different way? Sri's 
> initial email didn't mention Emily at all - were you just waiting for an 
> opportunity to bring up your discontent?

There's so many things wrong with the above paragraph.

- "Assume people mean well". Well, seems that I'm not granted the
benefit of the doubt.
- Sri's initial email made me think that it was an initiative by the
marketing team, which Emily is a part of. It seems reasonable to think
that she would be involved in this at one point or another.
- And "discontent". Well, I think that I have reasonable doubts to think
that those community managers wouldn't be able to carry the message of
developers truthfully if said developers aren't being talked to.

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