On Thu, 2012-11-15 at 22:44 -0800, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 11:39 AM, William Jon McCann
> <william.jon.mcc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Hi Karen,
>         I think these are good suggestions. But I think it would be a
>         mistake to leave this critical responsibility to a committee
>         of volunteers. One of the many challenges we face is that our
>         voice and message have been too inconsistent - too
>         infrequently heard. Heard too late. Lacking authority. In want
>         of good taste. And dealing with this is taking a huge toll on
>         our ability to attract and retain contributors. Something
>         needs to be done.
>         I propose that we hire or appoint a full time director of
>         marketing.
> Let me add one other position.  We need to hire another sysadmin
> person.  Along the same community support, we need to also be able to
> have the infrastructure to support coming out with daily builds for
> the community to test out and give feedback on the new designs that
> come out.  Bug testing and performance testing as well so that we have
> a quality product.  If we are serious about doing GNOME OS we are
> going to need to upgrade our infrastructure.  We will need to do fund
> raising to be able get the right hardware and the right person to
> manage it.

I do appreciate that both of these positions could be beneficial to
GNOME, but please understand that employees are expensive, and the
GNOME Foundation has a relatively small budget.

Fundraising campaigns do not bring in the kinds of money you need
to hire full-time employees. They're OK for short-term or part-time
contract work.


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