> What has changed since the initial GNOME 3 release and now ?

The software rendering in Mesa improved dramatically and also has some
limited ability to use GEM to optimise data paths on certain cards.

> Is gnome-shell now optimized and usable on said, older hardware ?

Some of the problem hardware is quite current. On netbook type devices
with Imagination graphics (and thus unaccelerated) for example it's sort
of usable but feels sluggish, while other desktops are quite snappy. On
the x86 tablet with Imaginationg graphics I have its horrendous
(especially when doing 1080p external video)

Even on a decent x86 box the inability to run without a compositor is a
killer for doing some kinds of graphics work as the latency it adds is
sufficient to be painful.

If you've got a fast CPU and reasonable but unusupported graphics
hardware then it's usable but not great.

No idea what Gnome 3 is like on a Raspberry Pi which would be the most
useful other guide as its got fairly snappy graphics but naff CPU and
relatively limited memory (512MB now)

> Perhaps what we need is not a person/group of people working
> for 'good press' and telling people that we have their best interests
> at heart, but rather a bit more transparency in how we make our

You can do all the telling you like. It's the listening and explaining
which matters.

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