Thanks Max, Emmanuele and Andreas for the replies!

Having the minutes of the Board meetings is certainly helpful. Problem is,
IMO, that the granularity of the information there is way to high to inform
the broader progress and accomplishments of the Board.

On 21 May 2013 03:23, Dave Neary <> wrote:

> Suggestion: when you could use help with something, send an email asking.
> When you finish a task, drop a quick email letting people know.

That's a great idea as a way to keep an open communication channel with the
Foundation. However, I'm not opposed to the idea of the "report" as an
additional resource. With these reports every 2-3 months, one would only
need to check a couple of emails (wiki pages, blog posts or whatever form
they take) to be able to have an idea of what the Board is up to and, in
elections time, make an informed vote. Additionally, if the reports are
indeed desirable, it's the role of the Foundation Members to make sure the
Board make they happen.


On 21 May 2013 03:23, Dave Neary <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On May 20, 2013 10:33 PM, "Andreas Nilsson" <> wrote:
> > I wasn't suggesting IRC meetings per se, but we need some kind of
> mechanism to report to the broader foundation what we are up to on a
> regular basis, similar to how we communicate with the Advisory board.
> If only there were a way to communicate asynchronously with foundation
> members - a mailing list or something - you could avoid an inconvenient
> real-time meeting.
> > If something like a e-mail with a status report from the board to
> foundation-list would be a better mechanism, I would support that.
> That sounds like an excellent idea, except calling it a status report is a
> guarantee it won't happen regularly.
> Suggestion: when you could use help with something, send an email asking.
> When you finish a task, drop a quick email letting people know.
> If you're announcing things to members, they're not involved. If you're
> talking to them, they can be (see the difference?).
> Cheers,
> Dave.
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