----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brian Cameron" <brian.came...@oracle.com>
> To: "GNOME Foundation" <foundation-list@gnome.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 8:16:48 AM
> Subject: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates
> My question to the candidates:
> For returning board members, what are 3 conrete accomplishments on the
> board that you are most proud of?  How many action items did you accept
> over your last term and what percentage were completed?  If things did
> not get done or tended to get done very late, please explain why.  If
> you were to give your own performance a grade, what would it be?
> For all candidates, how do you see being on the board will enhance or
> facilitate the volunteer work you already do in the commutity?  How
> many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
> working on the board on a regular basis?

Being on the board would help me identify and help establish more outreach and 
engagement efforts that are relevant to GNOME. I'm particularly interested in 
seeing us move ahead on Joanie's idea of the Outreach Program for Professors.

Beyond that, I'm interested in identifying some other way I can help the GNOME 
project and community thrive, which would inform my work outside the board.

I would have 5-10 hours a week for my work on the board.

> Brian


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