On 2013-05-21 09:16, Brian Cameron wrote:

My question to the candidates:

For returning board members, what are 3 conrete accomplishments on the
board that you are most proud of?  How many action items did you accept
over your last term and what percentage were completed?  If things did
not get done or tended to get done very late, please explain why. If
you were to give your own performance a grade, what would it be?

I am mostly happy about:
* Keeping the meetings on time and on topic.
- In theory meetings could go on forever, but board members have other meetings to attend and one hour slots fits most schedules. Last period we were able to keep most meetings in one hour. On occasions spilling over 5 or 10 minutes.

* Creating the Annual Report.
It was really unfortunate that we had to create a 2010-2011 report instead of two single ones and it gives the impression of a sloppy Foundation to the foundation members, the advisory board and the wider community. While the 2012 report is late, it is in progress.

I also want to take the opportunity to highlight a accomplishment by Joanie, who came up with the very creative resolution to the fact that we had two really good GUADEC bids from teams that had applied several times before to accept both of them, but for different years (and at the same time solving the issue that teams have asked for more time to prepare the conferences). I like these kind of creative soultions from her a lot!

For all candidates, how do you see being on the board will enhance or
facilitate the volunteer work you already do in the commutity? How
many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
working on the board on a regular basis?

It ties into it, and if I wasn't on the board, I would do about the same volunteer work anyway.
10 hours a week.
- Andreas
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