On Apr 25, 2014 9:26 AM, "Sindhu S" <sind...@live.in> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 9:29 PM, Marina Zhurakhinskaya <mari...@redhat.com>
>> This was done because Diego e-mailed the board with a special request
and the majority of directors felt that it was reasonable to reimburse for
visa expenses, when we will not be reimbursing for a larger amount we
earlier approved that would be needed for the person to make the trip.
> I approached the board too. My visa expenses didn't exceed the
sponsorship approved either. The email was sent to bo...@gnome.org and
here's a screenshot:
> http://i.imgur.com/FivZRwB.png. Why didn't the rest of the board respond

The original plan was that Diego was going to pay for the visa processing
and the foundation was going to pay for the ticket.  Unfortunately, he was
unable to get a visa and was out a significant amount of money and had
asked if the board would pay for the visa application in lieu of the plane
ticket.  Meaning if we were already going to pay for a larger sum of money
anyway it should be OK to pay for the smaller amount.

That conversation lead to an overall look at how we view the policy of visa
processing since you pointed out we don't generally pay for them.

The difference between your situation and Diego is that Diego isn't going
anywhere and is out of money.  The second difference is that Diego only
applied for the visa because I asked him to come to the west coast
hackfest.  So it wasn't even his idea or his initiative but mine.  That's
why it was looked at as a special case.

I hope that clears things up.


>> As you can see, this reimbursement was done by a separate vote as an
exception to the current rule.
>> I'm sorry an exception or a policy review were not considered when you
were denied a visa. As you can see, the board also decided we should
discuss amending the policy about reimbursement for rejected visas in the
> What is so special about Diego that his situation has provoked a policy
change? Why was the reimbursement policies upheld in my case and relaxed in
> The current situation on GNOME's financials was very much made public and
in between being low on cash, how is that board can make such an exception?
> If the board is going to make a policy change, then please bring it into
working *first* and then entertain cases that occur after it not before.
Otherwise it's just plain unfair.
> -Sindhu
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