On Wed, 2014-05-21 at 23:35 -0400, Richard Stallman wrote:
> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>     > To cooperate formally with a Linux Foundation event would run into a
>     > problem -- they would probably want to call the GNU/Linux system
>     > "Linux", and we should not accept that.
>     I look forward to the FSF's financial contributions to GNOME
>     conferences.
> The truth is not for sale.  GNOME was launched by the GNU Project to
> be part of the GNU system.  That system is still GNU, and calling it
> "Linux" is bad for GNU, including GNOME.

Care to expand on that? Miguel's history of the GNOME project doesn't
make a lot of mention of GNU:

Namely, a discussion with you about his plans, the use of GNU licenses,
and an announcement on a GNU mailing-list. What else did the GNU project
and/or the FSF do for GNOME?

One thing that it could do though, is update the screenshot of some
ancient version of GNOME on the front page:
Where the stock GNOME logo used for the menu has been replaced by some
sort of Celtic knot.

>     I'd definitely want the GNOME Foundation Board to accept one of its
>     sponsors using "Linux"
> I agree, but that is a different subject.  We were talking about
> holding GUADEC in combination with a Linux Foundation event -- not about
> merely accepting sponsorship.

Guess I wasn't clear enough for you, and I'll rephrase so it's clearer:
I'd definitely want the GNOME Foundation Board to accept co-hosting an
event with one of its sponsors that uses "Linux" and not GNU/Linux if it
meant the durability of those GNOME conferences. They support Free
Software as well.

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