On Friday 05 September 2008 22.50:23 Florian Klaempfl wrote:
> > If you want to try it yourself, MSEide+MSEgui trunk rev. 2473 has
> > msestring = unicodestring if compiled with -dmse_unicodestring.
> What's the official way to compile MSE?
cd apps\ide
ppc386.exe -Fu..\..\lib\common\* -Fi..\..\lib\common\kernel 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\kernel\i386-win32 mseide.pas

or open apps\ide\mseide.prj in MSEide with 'Project'-'Open', 'Project'-'Make'.

In order to test UnicodeString the commadline is:
ppc386.exe -dmse_unicodestring -Fu..\..\lib\common\* -Fi..\..\lib\common\kernel 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\kernel\i386-win32 mseide.pas

If you want to debug the compiler with MSEide add the compiler source
directories to 'Project'-'Options'-'Debugger'-'Source directories'.
From an older post of this list:
This is for MSEide i386 and FPC 2.3.1:

- 'Project'-'New'-'From Program'.
- Select "compiler/pp.pas" from your FPC SVN checkout.
- Accept "pp.prj".
- 'Project'-'Options'-'Make'-'Make options', add "-di386" (without quotes) to 
the first row of 'Command line options'.
- 'Project'-'Options'-'Make'-'Directories', add a row, select "compiler/i386/"
- Add a row with "/compiler/x86/".
- Add a row with "/compiler/systems/".
- Set the commandline parameters for the target in 'Target'-'Environment'.
- Press F9.

You should possibly change the unit output directory to be consistent with the 
make file.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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