Dear Sirs ,

Since many months , I was thinking to make a suggestion for
generation of Java bytecode by Free Pascal from a Pascal source when a compiler switch is set . It seems that ( with respect to my limited knowledge about FPC Team structure ) compiler programming mostly managed by Florian and he is in his PhD studies which he has very difficult days for his PhD studies because PhD programs are not trivial subjects ( means that it is necessary to make a NEW contribution to existing science ) .

Since a thread started with this subject I could find  encouragement
to participate into it .

Having an ability to generate Java byte code by the Free Pascal compiler will make it a much more powerful cross compiler because
generated Java byte code may be executed in any system having a
Java Virtual Machine .

This will also make easy to transport Free Pascal compiler into such new environments because Free Pascal is able to compile itself :
  Compile Free Pascal to Java bytecode .
  Bring it to new environment .
  Compile Java byte code to machine code of the new environment
  ( after adjusting code generator of Free Pascal for the new
    environment ) .

With this facility developers will be able to transport their
programs into new environments where there is no available Free
Pascal compiler .

In short , I think , generation of Java byte code by the Free Pascal compiler is one of the most important improvements .

Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk

fpc-devel maillist  -

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