Martin schrieb:
On 12/09/2011 11:06, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

IMO debugging support was one of the reasons, why Kylix was based on Wine, and the cross-platform versions of Delphi use remote debugging only. For that implementation a tiny (remote) debugger interface is sufficient, and the IDE can implement all the language specific debug support.

I'd be happy if somebody could tell me how to make all those "no such identifier in scope" messages disappear, that currently reduce debugging "support" to breakpoints, call stack and local variables.

IMHO that's a bit exaggerated (the last line)? I do use plenty of watches, and never got any such message. Ok I know I can't see properties, and I do not try to do so. That leaves still plenty of ways to get information.

When 95% of the identifiers in a subroutine (method) can *not* be inspected, this makes an debugger somewhat useless to me. The hint window on e.g. Self provides some information, but only from the base classes - the remainder is out of view :-(

Mind, I do NOT want to play down say that the lack of property support.

I didn't notice until now that my problems may be related to properties. AFAIR I also couldn't inspect global variables. I'll watch out when debugging the next time.

WRT inspecting properties I'd be happy with the content of the fields, where a property value is stored, e.g. TControl.FBoundsRect for Left or Right. Calling getter methods can be dangerous, I wouldn't expect such support. Again I only realize right now, that such a feature may require an hint in code, which property is stored or derived from which stored field.


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