18.05.2012 14:23, Joost van der Sluis wrote:

This information can be bound to a properties but also whole classes at
least. (I'll have to test for methods and public fields) So no, not only
properties may have this information.

If methods may have this information then it is not possible to put it to tsym because paticular method is a tprocdef and several tprocdefs may have 1 tprocsym (overloaded methods). Therefore I would put this info to tstoreddef. But what to do with a property? Create a special def for it?

And, to answer your second question, properties in a descendant class do
*not* inherited the properties of the ancestor. I found that pretty
strange, but that's how it is implemented in Delphi.

There may be 3 cases. Does it work in any:

case 1: property descendant

TAncestor = class
  property SomeProp: TSomeType read GetSomeProp;

TDescendant = class(TAncestor)
  property SomeProp write SetSomeProp; // <- this is property descendant

case 2: new property hides old

TDescendant = class(TAncestor)
property SomeProp: TSomeType read GetSomeProp; // <- this property hides old SomeProp

case 3: new class uses property as is

TDescendant = class(TAncestor)

So in this case create a special symbol and symtable for it?

Looking at http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/Annotating_Types_and_Type_Members I see that attribute is a class + a list of arguments for that class contructor. As this is a class - compiler already creates a symbol and a definition for it and all it members. So you need to store a link to this class (or to class contructor) + a list of arguments to pass there. So it is not a special symbol, just a reference to it. If you need an example of how to store/restore reference to a class then look at how it is done with tobjectdef.childof or tobjectdef.extendeddef.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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