On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Joost van der Sluis <jo...@cnoc.nl> wrote:
> I think I can. But in Delphi you can also give a non-exsisting
> attribute, ie:
>  TMyClass=class
>  private
>    FName: string;
>  published
>    [TThisTypeIsNowhereDefined('You','Can','Enter','Anything','here'1)]
>    property Name: string read FName;
>  end;
> This will compile in Delphi, but it won't work. This is especially
> annoying if you forgot to add the unit in which
> TThisTypeIsNowhereDefined is defined. In that case it will also compile,
> but it will not work. And you will seek for that error for long. I
> know. ;)

That's just evil. I hope FPC will check attributes at compile-time,
at least in objfpc mode?

Alexander S. Klenin
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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