On Tue, 26 Jan 2016, Anthony Walter wrote:

I guess this is good time to ask, how would the community feel about
setting a new standard for Free Pascal units going forward? I am thinking
that since FPC 3.0 is now official we don't really have a good excuse to
start using many of the great new language features it brings, such as
dotted name spaces, type helpers on intrinsic types, and of course the now
good working generics.

I would propose we start migrating new units to this type of standard:

While I am not opposed to this, some issues:
- Delphi compatibility?
- The compiler does not have a namespace directive, making this purely a more
  typing operation. What is the added value in that ?
- Who will document all this ?
- Core as the base word is probably a very poor choice, since everyone is
  going to pick that as the start of his collection.

That said, my own idea was to recreate the Delphi namespaces combined with
string = unicodestring. just to say I do not oppose such a shift.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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