On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:33, Hans-Peter Diettrich
<drdiettri...@aol.com> wrote:
> Henry Vermaak schrieb:
>> To implement a complicated feature, you need to break down the
>> implementation into a lot of patches to make it easy for review.
> This is a contradition, IMO. Big changes can not always be broken down into
> smaller steps, when the result only compiles after a lot of such small steps
> have been taken. [Wasch mich, aber mach mich nicht naß ;-]

... Or you need to take another refactoring approach. From my
experience, patches of that size are one of the main sources of bugs
(apart from not checking input data ;), and nobody wants them in FPC.

I believe that there is space to split your patch into several smaller
smaller ones. It is lot of work which could seem like a waste of time,
but it will give you much higher chance that your solution will be
integrated into trunk, and it will show other FPC developers that you
understand the way FPC development works, and that you are willing to
work as part of that team.

On the other hand, you can always make a fork, and have Graeme
criticize your code in several years ;-)
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