On 2010-10-24 13:15, Marco van de Voort wrote:
In our previous episode, Adem said:
But, I must say I am disappointed at the lack of management skills.
You should ask yourself how management skills work in a community where
nobody can force work on sb else.

It takes an infinite amount of patience.
Yes. Forever, since it won't happen. Specially if the workpressure is
increased several magnitudes because people don't bother to put in some
minimal effort to present their work.

That doesn't seem to help much either --as, then, it can be perceived as dumping loads of code.
To conserve some of that patience for the real important things, it's
probably best for a manager/leader not to enter into nit-picking
I don't see why nto.
It was just a suggestion.
Just like why parent shouldn't involve themselves in each and every row/argument/discussion kids are having among them; or why a manager should not prematurely intervene in debates between his/her team. Obvioulsy, these are not hard and fast rules, but there's some wisdom in them --or, that's what I have come to think.
It is also a major time (and nerve) saver.

At times like these, I read 'Linus on kernel management style' [
http://lwn.net/Articles/105375/ ].
I don't care what Linus says. (either the Snoopy or the penguin one). But
I'm pretty, pretty sure, that Linus will throw back a bad patch in your
Sure he will.
But, rarely have I seen him --or his lituenants-- pruning every single thread.
Graeme's last mail where he explains he just wants to drop quick and dirty
patches AND IT IS FPC'S CORE TEAM JOB to make head or tails of it,
explains the fundamental misconception better than I could do here.
Personally, I find it more useful to focus on the solution Graeme found
for himself and not on the complaints which must have grown out of
I don't know what this means. Please answer to the actual quote.

See his post 22 Oct 2010 @ 13:38 (about 12 posts above this)



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