Dear fpc-other list members,

I've only just now subscribed to this list and had to reconstruct a number of
headers from pipermail-provided HTML - nevertheless, I hope this message will
slot into the proper thread concerning IRC channel woes.

Even though similar complaints on the official Lazarus forums have not led to
a noticeable outcome for the IRC channels concerned there, I would like to
direct your attention to my personal attempt at raising this issue there
earlier this year:,62584.0.html

Lazarus forum moderators have banned all discussion involving IRC on their
platform as the (somewhat understandable) consequence of a number of users
independently raising this issue during recent months.

If you take the time to review and reflect on the actions taken by Joanna on
channels under her control on, I believe you will arrive at the
conclusion that her interpretation of the role as a channel's steward and
all-powerful operator can only be perceived as detrimental to any positive and
inclusive form of community one could hope to foster in such a setting.

Thank you for your time, attention and consideration.

with best regards:
- Johannes Truschnigg

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