On Sun, 25 Apr 2010, Joseph Montanez wrote:


Since there hasn't been a clear response on this I've started my own
website, to start documenting more of the use of each library. However
doing so I am finding some clear issues, and that is some of these
units are not finished all the way. Is there some list of missing
functionality somewhere for these units? Knowing this would help
contributers figure out what units need help.


fcl-image - Ability to write text on canvas has 'NotImplemented" So
trying to use any text operations will fail, but there is place
holders on type type fonts.

You must include the freetype engine for this to work; that is why
the base classes don't support it, because we want them to be independent
of external libraries. Therefor it works using a plugin system.

so a simple 'uses ftfont' will add font support.

sqlite - Every single query has "Testing: (Query)" outputted in the
console. I looked in the unit and found its clearly there with
WriteLn(). I also trying to figure out what the second parameter of
Query does, Its a TStrings... maybe a prepared statement. I have to
read the source code a bit more to find out. I find it weird that both
2.2 and 2.4 have this test print. Does anyone use the unit sqlite
included with FPC?

No, because: You should probably use the sqlite3 units instead. sqlite is for sqlite2, and that is WAY too old :-)

But I have removed the debug statements. Thanks for reporting it.


On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 11:12 PM, Thierry Coq <t...@free.fr> wrote:
Joseph, Vincent,


Add me to the list here.

I also offer to help, especially for writing UML diagrams to help people
visualize, including use cases, class diagrams and scenarios. Every
component I publish has unit testing and UML diagrams, if only a few.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pas...@lists.freepascal.org

Joseph Montanez
Web Developer
Design, Develop, Deploy
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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