On Tue, 25 May 2010, Bee Jay wrote:

On 25 Mei 2010, at 15:55, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

The CGI gateway is on my todo list, as you know.

Now everybody knows. ;)

Obviously. I think ExtPascal is promising, but sadly suffers from some major
design flaws (garbage collect, thread model); which prevent me from
using it: they can (and do) lead to serious memory corruption.

I'm maintaining 2 FCGI apps using CGI gateway. The FCGI app will terminate
itself after being idle for 30 minutes. So far, everything is fine. Though I must admit that once in a while it just hung up but it very
rarely happened.  According to the app log, it only happen twice last
year, which made me have to kill it manually. Well, I can live with that. :D Maybe it's because the suspected memory corruption as you said?

Here I can reliably reproduce the memory corruption. It crashes the output
regularly. (with random use, it happens 10-15 times a day, in a test enviromnent). The bug is in the garbage collector, which attempts to free objects that have already been freed, but were not removed from the garbage collector list.

I know that the garbage collector was reworked, but the correct
implementation would have been to remove the garbage collector
altogether and use TComponent decsendents instead.

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