On 15 August 2010 18:58, Marcos Douglas wrote:
> Oh, thank you. I found one more FortesReport  :)
> Which of these is more like ReportBuilder?

I have only used ReportMan and tiRTFReport - I can't comment on the
others. ReportMan is definately not like ReportBuilder, but it is easy
to use. The Report Designer is not that "pretty", but the reporting is
just fine. Some features of ReportBuilder like RAP and Data Pipelines
are possible in tiRTFReport without issues. So is building a report at
runtime, but I wouldn't go as far as comparing them directly. After
all, ReportBuilder has been around for many years and is a commercial
product. But please do send an email to Digital Metaphors and ask for
FPC and Lazarus support. They told me they are watching FPC and
Lazarus progress and will port ReportBuilder if there is enough

> You said the reporting engine is a single unit... the reports are
> implement by code, not designer? In many times, I would like to
> implement by code because the "visual designer" is limited. So, how
> RTF Report works?

It's rather easy to generate a RTF document from FPC, so it will be
just as easy to build a report at runtime. If I need to build a custom
report, I create a template listing report, then at runtime I can
populate the column titles and data relating to the listing report.
Doing a visual report design in OpenOffice just goes so much quicker.

> Ok... so, maybe it works fine and stable!.

The remote persistence layer is definitely stable for Delphi
development work, and it has been unit tested.  Developing it with
Free Pascal is untested by me, but I guess I'll find out soon. :)

> The fpGUI is compatible with Lazarus? I can install it in him?

fpGUI is not compatible with LCL or VCL, but in many cases it is very
similar in style, so it is easy and quick to learn. You can use any
IDE to develop fpGUI based applications (we mostly use Lazarus IDE,
but sometimes MSEide as well), and it is also very easy to integrate
the fpGUI Forms Designer via a External Tools keyboard shortcut.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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