On Wed 29 Dec 2010, Honza wrote:
> 2010/12/29 David Emerson <dle...@angelbase.com>:
> > suppose I define an operator:
> >
> > operator + (a: one_type; b: another_type) : one_type;
> >
> > Is there any way to specify that it should be "commutative", so I don't 
> > have 
> > additionally define the reverse:
> >
> > operator + (a: another_type; b: one_type) : one_type;
> IIRC you don't have to.

well... I do have to. I get "can't determine which overloaded function to call" 
because I have a lot of similar-looking functions and := operators

it's not such a big deal, really.

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