Honza wrote:
2010/12/29 David Emerson <dle...@angelbase.com>:
On Wed 29 Dec 2010, Honza wrote:
IIRC you don't have to.
well... I do have to. I get "can't determine which overloaded function to call"
because I have a lot of similar-looking functions and := operators
You're right, I verified it just now. I didn't remembered it correctly.

FYI, bellow is the verification example used, later modified to
compile successfully with trunk FPC. Introduction of the ':='
operators for T1 and T2 enabled the '+' operator commutativity.

Can I have a reality check on this please: in this context is the overloaded := effectively an implicit cast as well as an explicit operator?

Is the availability of overloaded + and := operators necessary and sufficient for += to work correctly?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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