Wow, thanks again for the explanation and the example!
I'm working on that....and it starts beating....

By the way, after this:

FDevice := GetActiveOleObject(OLE_OBJECT_NAME);

how can i test that everything is ok and FDevice is valid ? something like:

ok := FDevice <> nil;


2011/5/26 Ludo Brands <>:
> Attached a small lazarus demo project that implements the EventSink unit. It
> is based on the EventSink unit in the article and adapted for fpc.
> The demo launches Msword and connects to the ApplicationEvents interface
> {000209F7-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}. When you create a new document, or
> change document, close word etc. in msword the app displays in a memo the
> dispids received through the event sink.
> As you will notice, the dispinterface for the events interface just contains
> the guid. No method prototypes are required.
> Ludo
> _______________________________________________
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
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