i have an old DOS tool written in BP7 that i'm needing to fix a couple of problems with... the main problem is that it is using an old CStr unit written by a Todd Holmes back in 1993... this unit was written to suppliment the reading and writing of "C strings" to/from streams and converting "C strings" (aka null terminated strings) to/from PASCAL strings...

i started using this unit because i did not understand pointers and PChar all that well back then... it was the first thing i attempted to use that worked for the task at hand... now i'm needing to switch it to using BP7 native routines so that i can add a few capabilities that are sorely missing... the main one being to replace (sub)strings within a PChar string... i've looked for a replacestr or strreplace or stringreplace function but have not had any success... what i have found seems to be targeted at methods and uses quite unnecessary for this plain old DOS command line tool... definitely no turbo vision or anything so elaborate...

so... does anyone have a freely usable BP7 compatible routine that will perform this (sub)string replacement task with standard BP7 PChar strings?

further clarification: i would like to convert this tool to FPC but, as noted, it is a plain old DOS command line tool... IIRC, the DOS FPC requires some sort of memory manager to be used but that would seem to be a lot of overkill for this simple tool... quite simply, the tool pulls preformatted null terminated strings from a proprietary data file and creates an ascii text file with the contents... the final result is that this text file is displayed via html so certain characters '<', '>', and '&' (at least) need to be replaced with their html entities... that's what the stringreplace routine i'm looking for will be used for... i just need to get away from the currently used CStr unit and switch to using BP7's native PChar routines to be able to do so...

any help is appreciated and thanks for reading this quite possibly rambling post emanating from my scrambled brain cells...

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