Am 26.05.2014 12:12 schrieb "Michael Schnell" <>:
> On 05/26/2014 11:55 AM, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
>> I don't understand exactly what you are trying to say. Is this:
>> - a request to Graeme
>> - a promise that you are going to provide a patch to the FPC RTL
>> - a remark
>> - something else
> Sorry for being unclear.
> I meant this as a general request to the "powers" of the fpc (rtl)
project with svn write access to allow Greame, Tom (or maybe myself) to
include the TEpikTimer class  in the next release of the official RTL. (And
maybe help with doing so)

I don't see a need for this in the FCL yet. At least not until the dust
that you are whirling up has settled down as FPC has a quite slow release

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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