Am 17.07.2015 05:03 schrieb "silvioprog" <>:
> Hm... and more, the 'i := 1 << 1' isn't a "more Pascal-like" syntax,
IMHO. =)

Definitely. I was surprised when I found out that this works (it had been
added sometime in the far past to simplyfy porting of C code) and nowadays
it hunts me, because it makes my (FPC programming) life so much more
complicated -.-

> It compiles in '$mode delphi', but the BCC doesn't allows this sintax,
returning an "Expression expected but '<' found". What do you think about
doing it (... Integer>>) possible in $mode delphi? =)

Should be doable, especially since they aren't Delphi compatible anyway. At
least it would be simpler to disallow "<<" and ">>" as alternatives for
"shl" and "shr" respectively in selected modes than to work around it

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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