Martin Schreiber wrote:
On Monday 31 August 2015 13:00:59 Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Thanks Jonas, that fixes it. To wrap this up and for the benefit of
anybody getting here via Google: this is for a Raspeberry Pi with
2014-era Raspbian.

Binaries from:

Corresponding sources from  using svn co

Build command line: make NO_GDB=1 OPT='-FL/lib/
-Fl/usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabi/4.6.3 -Fl/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi'
all  with OVERRIDEVERSIONCHECK=1 if necessary, and my preference is to
also use -O- -gl -Xs- for ease of debugging.

Install command line: sudo OPT='-FL/lib/
-Fl/usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabi/4.6.3 -Fl/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi'
make install

How it worked for me with a Raspbian image from last week from here:

In my Raspbian RPi 1 model B rev2 I installed FPC 2.6.0 by
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fpc

Then I extracted fpc_eabihf_3_0_1.tar.gz from to /home/pi/fpc.
cd to the svn fixes_3_0 checkout,
make PP=/home/pi/fpc/3_0/eabihf/lib/fpc/3.0.1/ppcarm OVERRIDEVERSIONCHECK=1 all

As I've said already- more than once- the Raspbian version I'd got dated from 2014 and an attempt to load 2.6.0 on it failed due to various missing/held packages. An attempt to do an update/upgrade/dist-upgrade also failed, leaving it in a broken state with e.g. the display manager deinstalled and not installable. So I'm very grateful for Jonas's help and patience, when he could easily have told me to get lost and fix the system software.

I anticipate that once I'm working from the current (2015-05-05) Raspbian that things will be much easier. However it looks as though the people who put the older version together left it in a state where the metadata was broken or inconsistent, which was possibly unavoidable taking into account that source.list and sources.list.d identify three distinct repositories (, and

Incidentally (and I hope that the ML managers will excuse the digression), if anybody has a plugtop USB PSU badged "MW" with their Rpi I strongly suggest checking that it's robustly assembled: one of these came apart when I tried to unplug it and I found that it was held together only by silicone RTV sealant. Scraping the gunge off and gluing properly appears to have improved reliability, presumably by improving heat dissipation.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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