Martin Schreiber wrote:
On Monday 31 August 2015 16:25:38 Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
As I've said already- more than once-

I wrote the previous mail "for the benefit of anybody getting here via Google" too. ;-)
Sorry for annoying you.

[GRIN] Nonono, I'm not annoyed. But particularly taking into account the ld-linux issue there was something very obviously wrong with the 2014-era Raspbian, and since the Raspberry Pi Foundation (via Element 14 and their resellers) shipped a lot of cards containing that I think it's important for the casual user to know what to blame.

Anyway, even with that older Rasbian release FPC 3.0.1 is now making a valiant attempt to compile Lazarus. Whichever way that goes I'll discuss it in the Lazarus mailing list.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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