2018-05-25 15:58 GMT+02:00 Tomas Hajny <xhaj...@hajny.biz>:

> The sentence above is not appropriate, please adjust your communication
> and stop blaming people for revenge, etc. You'll receive an official
> statement to the previous events from the FPC core team during the
> weekend. Also, note that this is a FPC mailing list, not a 'NewPascal'
> mailing list - make sure your posts are on-topic with regard to FPC.

Ok, thanks :). Let me just say few more things related to your message and
let me to ask few small questions.

* Is that mean that any messages about MSELang or about NewPascal is
forbidden in this mailing list?
* Sorry if my statement about revenge is untrue, but this is look like
this. Why one of FPC core developer can say everything in public place in
not appropriate way?
* Is there any consequence for Michael?

My work was consulted with Michael, he was happy with FastRTTI and after
few months he says about my work in very roughly way (the patch and all
details was the same so I don't understand this).

* How any other person outside core team can contribute to FPC project? It
seems impossible, even when you do all with "FPC core" requirements and
with full consultation, point by point at the end you need to read :

"A bunch of changes are introduced, things are rammed through our throat
which we didn't ask for and then we're told "this is the price for

this is just for FastRTTI. The same situation happens for management
operators, at the end of road, patch for MO feature was almost rejected in
the similar way (maybe not in roughly way)

Is that normal in all open source project? (no irony here I have just no

I have hope that official statement will explain all things. I am waiting
for any concrete message almost since month.

Best regards,
Maciej Izak
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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