
You wrote:

>We have run into a problem with Acrobat (v8.x) converting only part of
>FrameMaker (v7 and 8) Hypertext tags. Our company uses a text insert for
>support information. In that text insert is a list of several email
>addresses for support of various products. A Hypertext tag was inserted for
>each email address to convert those addresses in Acrobat so the addresses
>are active links.
>The Hypertext dialog in FrameMaker identifies Message Client as the Command,
>with message url <email address> as the Syntax message clientname
>parameters. All email addresses that are single words before @ convert fine.
>However, those email addresses that use support-<product>@ drop the support-
>portion of the address.
>How can we include the support- portion of the address when converting to
>Acrobat Thanks.

The problematic e-mail links are not "real links" in Acrobat; the activity 
you see is related to the "Automatically detect URLs from text" preference 
(Edit > Preferences, General; in Acrobat/Reader 8+: "Create Links from URLs").

Acrobat's interpretation of text-based web addresses is problematic when 
the URL is split between lines, or when the "underlying" text is not 
recognized properly.

In Acrobat/Reader *7*, in the case of e-mail addresses, the presence of 
characters such as dash, dot or underscore indeed causes a problem in the 
interpretation (so or are interpreted as
This truncation problem should not be encountered, however, in 
Acrobat/Reader 8 and 9, where the bug is fixed.

In any case, the hypertext syntax to use is:
message URL mailto:address

(if URL is lower-case, no "real" link is generated).

Shlomo Perets

MicroType *
FrameMaker training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers

"Improve Your FrameMaker Skills" live web-based training sessions


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