Friends -

We've gotten a number of queries regarding IXgen 7-10 with FM12. I hope we were able to personally reply to all who asked but just in case we missed anyone, this is a quick note to let you know all is well with IXgen 7-10 and FM12.

If you're currently running IXgen 7-10 with FM10 or FM11, you'll be able to migrate IXgen to FM12 with no problems; no upgrade required.

If you're running IXgen 7.2 with FM 9 or earlier FM versions and want to move to FM12, you will need to upgrade IXgen. (Contact us for upgrade information.)

If you've not heard of IXgen, it's a handy collection of tools that make working with FM markers for indexing purposes much, much easier. Visit our "antique" website at the URL below for more information. We can even supply a fully-functional demo.

Finally, a heartfelt "thank you" to all our users who have continued to use IXgen, now in its 20th year of release.

(20 years? Where did two decades go?! <w>)

Frank Stearns Associates | makers of IXgen(tm) for FrameMaker(r)
*** IXGEN 7-10 for FrameMaker 10/11/12 IS HERE! *** <>
USA Voice: 435-275-8981

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