Hello Steve,

you could also encapsulate the graphic in a dedicated table, for example 
a <graphic> table which consists of 2 rows (and which has no ruling): a 
heading row for the graphic itself and a body row for the figure title. 
This will give you more control over the "relative positions", but also 
over things like alignment, space above and below, and even ruling 
around the graphic or not. Or you could just two body rows and no 
heading row and use the Table Designer to prevent that the title gets 
separated from the graphic. And I don't know whether translations are an 
issue, but unlike frames, table rows automatically expand as the text 

Yves Barbion 
Technical Writer
Adobe-Certified FrameMaker Instructor

U&I Learning NV (formerly ATEK NV)
Molenaarsstraat 111 
B-9000 Gent 
Tel.: +32 9 265 74 72 
Fax: +32 9 265 74 84 

Steve Rickaby wrote:

>I am currently placing figure titles in a text frame within the figure's 
>anchored frame to lock the two in the required relative positions. I cannot 
>see that it is possible, however, to specify this in an EDD. Is there any way 
>of doing this, perhaps by somehow automatically inserting a named reference 
>page object, or would it be better to pull the figure title out of the 
>anchored frame, make it a separate element, and deal with the potential for 
>separation of the figure and its title in some other way?  
>I see that DocBook documents, for example, appear to place graphics frame 
>anchors within the figure title element. Fine - unless the anchored frame is 

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